School Eye Health - District 6


The Education District VI is divided into three zones which are: Ikeja Zone 1, Mushin Zone 2 and Oshodi/Isolo Zone 3 with a total of 106 secondary schools and 1 technical college. The District has a total of 3,067 staff.

Restore Foundation embarked on a school eye health outreach during the last school term commencing with a teacher training in vision screening at Birch Freeman Senior School on 6th September 2023, in which 160 teachers from 98 schools under the jurisdiction attended.

They were mandated to train other teachers in their various schools and each school was given a free vision test kit for keeps. Schools were given a one-month period to conclude vision screening of all students and submit the list of students who required our intervention.

The Outreach

Our intervention consisted of medical, optical and surgical treatments for students as indicated. It commenced on Wednesday 11th October 2023 and ran weekly for 6 weeks, ending on 15th November 2023.

A total of 1,491 students from 36 schools were seen.  Free eye drops were given to 818 students for medical eye diseases, 509 pairs of glasses for defective vision due to refractive errors, and 22 students were identified as requiring surgical intervention.

Team Restore's Operation in progress during the Outreach.

Disbursement of Optical Aids and Medicines to students of different schools & Outreach Conclusion

Outreach Conclusion

The exercise was concluded with a health outing for teachers from Education District 6 on 20th December 2023 in which 119 teachers who attended had free blood pressure, blood sugar and eye checks with 96 free reading glasses, and 45 bottles of free eyedrops given. Health advice was given where indicated.

The mission to restore vision and quality of life to disadvantaged children continues in ernest within Ikorodu.

The Outreach at District 6 was successfully completed on the 20th of Dec 2023

Education Disctrict 6 is Done!!, We move to the next one!! We Are Ready!!!


Join Restore Foundation in Support of Children With Vision Impairments

We need your help to brighten the lives of children with vision impairments! Restore Foundation is dedicated to empowering these young souls and enabling them to overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis. Together, we can make a significant impact and provide them with the medical intervention they desperately need.

Imagine a world where every child has equal opportunities and can fully experience the wonders of the world. By contributing to Restore Foundation, you can play an instrumental role in transforming the lives of these extraordinary children.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

Donate Financially

 Your generous financial contributions will allow us to provide essential resources, such as specialized eyewear, medication, awareness trainings, outreach to underserved communities and corrective surgeries. Every Naira, dollar or Euro counts and helps us create a brighter future for these children.

Offer In-Kind Donations

You can support us by providing in-kind donations, such as children eye glass frames, medications and other materials that can enhance the vision and quality of life for visually impaired children. Your thoughtful gifts can make a significant impact in their lives.

Spread Awareness

Help us raise awareness about the challenges faced by visually impaired children and the importance of early detection & intervention. Share our mission with your friends, family, and social networks, encouraging them to join hands in supporting Restore Foundation for child sight.

By taking action today, you can empower these remarkable children to unlock their full potential and create a brighter tomorrow. Your support will pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society, where every child’s dreams can become a reality.

Visit the donation page powered by PAYSTACK  or

To learn more about Restore Foundation’s impactful work, please go through the rest of our website. Together, let’s make a world of difference for these incredible children.