School Eye Health - Ebutte-Metta


Ebute Metta is a suburb of Lagos Mainland, a very old part of Lagos which is the main access route linking the mainland to the three main islands of Victoria Island, Ikoyi and Lagos Island.  it is divided into two major parts- Ebute Metta East and West, and it is known for the production and sale of local foods and cloths.

It was a swampy stretch of land but for areas reclaimed for development. It therefore has communities within swamps as well as those on dry lands.

There are very many low fee-paying schools within this community, existing under the umbrella of Association for Formidable Educational Development (AFED), the internationally-recognized umbrella organization for the schools which serve the low socioeconomic strata of this community.

The Outreach

Restore Foundation set out to take quality eye care to the pupils and students of these underserved areas with a school eye health outreach in which there was a planned four-day outreach from the 15th to 18th of February 2023. Two days was spent in the Ebute Metta east community and two days in the Ebute Metta West community.

Team Restore's Outreach Operation in Session

Disbursement of Optical Aids and Medicines to different schools & Outreach Conclusion

Outreach Conclusion

A total of 1,100 school children benefitted for vision testing and qualitative eye examinations with treatments given instantly, consisting of 482 free eyedrops, ointments and other medications. 67 children benefitted from free spectacles and four children planned for free vision-restoring eye surgeries.

In line with our vision to improve the lot of disadvantaged children through optimization of vision to improve their academic attainment and therefore future potentials, Restore Foundation will continue to aid families to break out of the cycle of poverty through academic success, one community at a time.

The 18th of February 2023 marked the conclusion of the Ebutte-Metta Outreach.

Ebutte-Metta Done!!, the next disadvantaged community bekons!! We Are Ready!!!

Join Restore Foundation in Support of the Children With Vision Impairments

We need your help to brighten the lives of children with vision impairments! Restore Foundation is dedicated to empowering these young souls and enabling them to overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis. Together, we can make a significant impact and provide them with the medical intervention they desperately need.

Imagine a world where every child has equal opportunities and can fully experience the wonders of the world. By contributing to Restore Foundation, you can play an instrumental role in transforming the lives of these extraordinary children.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

Donate Financially

 Your generous financial contributions will allow us to provide essential resources, such as specialized eyewear, medication, awareness trainings, outreach to underserved communities and corrective surgeries. Every Naira, dollar or Euro counts and helps us create a brighter future for these children.

Offer In-Kind Donations

You can support us by providing in-kind donations, such as children eye glass frames, medications and other materials that can enhance the vision and quality of life for visually impaired children. Your thoughtful gifts can make a significant impact in their lives.

Spread Awareness

Help us raise awareness about the challenges faced by visually impaired children and the importance of early detection & intervention. Share our mission with your friends, family, and social networks, encouraging them to join hands in supporting Restore Foundation for child sight.

By taking action today, you can empower these remarkable children to unlock their full potential and create a brighter tomorrow. Your support will pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society, where every child’s dreams can become a reality.

Visit the donation page powered by PAYSTACK or

To learn more about Restore Foundation’s impactful work, please go through the rest of our website. Together, let’s make a world of difference for these incredible children.