
Projects & Medical Interventions

In the ongoing fulfillment of our vision and mission, Restore foundation for child sight have had some ocular intervention requests where the patients were assessed and surgical procedures carried out with successful outcomes.

This page is dedicated to showcasing some of our work.

Child 1

Case Summary: 7 year old girl with a history of poor vision in both eyes of five years’ duration. No previous intervention due to financial constraints.
Treatment: Bilateral cataract extraction with intra-ocular lens implant under general anaesthesia in two sittings. Spectacle use thereafter.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 2

Case Summary: 12year old girl with cataract in the right eye of three years duration following trauma.
Treatment: Right cataract extraction with intra-ocular implant under general anaesthesia with spectacle use thereafter.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 3

Case Summary: 2 year old with cataracts in both eyes from birth with no previous intervention largely due to ignorance. Mother also had cataracts from her childhood.
Treatment: Bilateral cataract extraction done under general anaesthesia in two sittings. Spectacle use thereafter.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 4

Case Summary: 7 year old with both eyes turning inwards alternately for four years without intervention.
Treatment: Initial spectacle use followed by bilateral squint surgery under general anaesthesia, and continuation of spectacle use afterwards.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 5

Case Summary: 18 month old boy with eyes turning inwards from birth, with no prior intervention due to ignorance about existence of treatment.
Treatment: Initial spectacle use followed by squint surgery in both eyes under general anaesthesia. Continuation of spectacle use thereafter.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 6

Case Summary: 9 year old with left eye turning in since infancy. No previous intervention due to misinformation.
Treatment: Squint surgery in left eye under general anaesthesia followed by spectacle use.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 7

Case Summary: 3 year old boy with squinting of both eyes of an eighteen month duration following a brain infection. Also unable to walk after illness. No intervention sought previously due to severe financial constraint.
Treatment: Squint surgery in both eyes, followed by spectacle use. Currently able to walk with support following physiotherapy.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 8

Case Summary: 12 year old girl with poor vision in right eye following trauma two years prior to presentation.
Treatment: Right cataract extraction with intra-ocular implant under general anaethesia and subsequent spectacle use.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 9

Case Summary: 6 year old girl with poor vision from infancy with no previous intervention due to financial constraint.
Treatment: Bilateral cataract extraction with implant under general anaesthesia in two sittings. Subsequent spectacle use.

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 10

Case Summary: 10 year old with a two year history of loss of vision in left eye following injury.
Treatment: Cataract extraction with ocular implant in left, under general anaesthesia. 

Patient Before Surgery

Patient After Surgery

Child 11

Case Summary: 4 year old with both eyes turning inward since infancy. Found to have significant long sightedness.
Treatment: Spectacle use to help keep eyes straight.

Before Treatment

After Spectacles Dispensed

Child 12

Case Summary: 4 year old girl with right eye turning outwards intermittently. An assessment found refractive error with amblyopia (lazy eye) in the right.
Treatment: Spectacle use with patching therapy.

Child on Patching Therapy