School Eye Health

Impaired vision in children may remain undetected for a significant period. This is because the sufferer knows no different, having not had a different experience previously in many cases.  In addition, many children don’t verbalise this problem. Even when they do, they are seldom taken seriously because of the erroneous notions, either that children are too young to have eye problems, or that spectacle use and surgery should not be used or done in childhood.

These are the reasons why children spontaneously coming to consult for defective vision are the very tip of the iceberg. In a developing nation such as ours, only grassroots interventions such as School eye health outreaches which undertake vision screening and eye examinations can effectively unearth and treat eye defects and diseases in children. 

It is instructive to know that two-thirds of the 19million visually-impaired children worldwide simply need a pair of glasses to aid their vision. 80% of visually-impaired children live in Asia and Africa.

This spurred Restore Foundation to commence School Eye health outreaches to the most deprived communities. Our vision is to optimize improved educational attainment amongst disadvantaged children to bring about enhanced potentials for the future for personal and national development.

Check out our recent School Eye Health outreach Programme at Makoko Community in Lagos State