Our Services

Restore foundation for child sight’s services are in 3 main categories. These categories are shown below

Advanced EyeCare:

We facilitate the provision of standard surgery for cataracts, squints and related disorders in children handled by qualified personnel at An-Nur Eye Centre. We enable this through various levels of sponsorship for economically-disadvantaged children. In addition, therapy is followed-through with optical visual rehabilitation.


Our advocacy aims to draw the attention of various individuals, community groups, organisations and policymakers towards all aspects relevant to the prevention of and intervention for better child eye care through useful collaborations.  We hope to influence policy to enhance preventive measures to optimal levels at every level of governance, to bring about a significant positive change for child eye health.

Training & Education:

We intend to educate everyone- students, parents and caregivers, educationists, medical personnel and all others about various aspects of childhood blindness and visual impairment- causes, its recognition, and the necessity for action to solve it, utilizing effective tools.